Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Check out this revirsible jacket collaboration between two of my favorite clothing lines.



The Art of Choosing.

Not having a job at the moment is a trip...I have so much time on my hands, as you can see with my video choice today...no pun intended.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Salutations all! I had a job interview today in the downtown area. Things went well and im pretty sure they'll be calling me back in the next few days but, im not here to talk about that. Due to my shitty sense of direction I got lost and wound up in the Hillcrest area which wasn't bad 'cause it gave me the chance to check out a shoe store that me and my good brethrens Dave and Sandwich used to frequent.  

I saw these Sperry Topsider boots on sale for $80 and fell in LIKE...

Monday, January 10, 2011

So Based.

Warning: Rare music post. If you haven’t been on any website attaining to music for the past year or so, you’re probably unaware of one of the most controversial artist of the decade. This man has taken it upon himself to unleash a monstrous online marketing attack to get his music into your ears. I’m going to assume a lot you are familiar with Lil’ B and his new peculiar approach to the rap game. If not, prepare to laugh, abhor, or tilt your hat in regard to thy Based God.

I’m going to save most of this harangue in hopes of a more in-depth feature. You may or may not remember him from the bay area group, “The Pack”. He’s come along way from rapping about slip-ons. Nowadays, the Berkeley rapper feeds listeners with this based-induced rap. Going against the norm seems to bring all the attention to the 21-year-old artist. I like Lil’ B’s music because it always makes me laugh. Remember when music was just about having fun? Me neither.

This song holds some similarities to the plethora of songs that he has blessed the Internet with. Including how much he looks like (insert any name here), how many females of a much different name he has and why they fornicate him. There are also songs in which he gives a reflective in-look on the world and it’s everlasting issues. Modern-day Pac? Whatever you do, just make sure you don’t think too much about his music. That’s not what it’s for. big ups to Berkeley though...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ink everywhere you see.

For the past 4 years I’ve been on the fence about getting some ink on my left arm. Within those 4 years I’ve come up with numerous ideas and hand drawn designs of what I wanted permanently buzzed on my arm. Within those 4 years I’ve had 7 chances go in and get it done but I didn’t because I didn’t want to fork over the money, chickened out, or got self conscious about my skinny frame

You see I grew up thinking that tattoos were for prison folk or bikers with handle bar mustaches. The thought of seeing tattoos on a skinny kid like me was just absurd until a pot head donned in Black and Yellow (Wiz) and a Blackapino looking kid (Tyga) showed up and gave me the confidence to get tatted. These 2 pretty much have the exact body frame as me. If they can rock the all over body tats then I can definitely rock a full arm sleeve. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Watashi wa anata ga inakute sabishii!!!

I’m saying this as a point of reference for me to come back and look at myself years in the future. I would move back to Japan at the drop of a snapback cap and never look back. It’s a mecca of cultural confrontation and near catastrophe. Not to mention the buildings and houses that line the streets. I’m not even going to try to explain it right now, just go watch Mr. Baseball or Lost in Translation the next time you have nothing to do and you’ll follow what I’m saying completely.

Monday, January 3, 2011

howdy. hello. greetings and salutations

Back from the depths like a laced out, custom built Cousteau submarine. Let’s just pick up and kick back where we left off like a Three Ninjas reunion and proceed to spread all the glorious funk for which we were once known. Hope the Family has been well, hope all of you had speedy recoveries from your New Years hangovers. Despite neglecting my duties on this here particular forum like the soccer god’s neglect America’s right to compete past the quarterfinals in the World Cup, I haven’t been sitting on my hands or partaking in absolute nonsense. It’s been a long and involved road, and for some strange reason, I thought that after starting The Greater Good, I would somehow magically become less busy. Of course the complete opposite of that has occurred. A quick catch up on what I’ve had my hands in…

1. Family&Girlfriend time. honestly the BEST part of my little vacation from work.

2. Job Hunting. Long story short, I wont have a job starting January 25. So i've been looking. any of you hiring?

3. Fable 3. a simple xbox 360 game has taught me a lesson or two about Real Estate.

4. Party Party Party...yump.

Sorry for the random post. just thought i'd check in and let you know im still around. Gotta get ready for a full week of work starting today. (trying to work as much as I can before the lay off) But honestly, that’s how I like it, and I feel that’s how it should be. Work night and day while we’re young so that we can sleep and play with no thought of work in a few years time. Best of your today’s worst of your tomorrows sort of thing, excuse the easy Jay-Z quote exit on that phrasing. I'll be back tomorrow.