Tuesday, September 28, 2010


-The 5 shows I Watch because of my Girlfriend-

I appreciate these shows and my girlfriend who introduced me to them. Do I feel bad about watching them yes? am I going to stop watching them? no. Sex and the City is just good television. The writing and premise of the show is excellent. I might even consider buying a season or two to watch....I would leave them at my girlfriends house of course.  Jersey Shore. I don't know why but i'm more interested in this season of Jersey Shore than I have ever been with MTV's Real World.  this show has got to be one of the funniest reality shows i've seen. Glee. Who isn't into Glee? It's a really good show. I like the new kids they added recently and the Britney Spears thing they had tonight was cool. I just hope it doesn't die out. 90210 is like One Tree Hill and The OC put together. I think I was maybe 5 or 6 when the original came out. If the original was anything like the remake I probably would have been watching this 90210 instead of Ren and Stimpy. Americas Next Top Model I have to admit, ANTM is a good show. The reason? The competition. As a man, I’m into watching any show that calls for me to root for one side or one person over others, even if the competition is about taking pictures. Now if you will excuse me I have to go fill out an application for my manhood again.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Oh Woe is Me.

You will hear a lot of people talk about how they don’t care about what other people think about them. Some of these people might even be convincing at times, and it might seem like they really don’t care what you think. In actuality, I would be willing to bet my entire Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle collection that these people live and die by what you think about them.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Stupid things.

Every argument is valid because even when they seem so trivial, they probably have some deep seeded issue tied to them. But still, how we get to the real issues is sometimes the long way there, and usually comes from a place so silly and trivial, we almost can’t believe how it started.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


For some reason i've been on facebook most of the day and I noticed that my cousin up in Berkley decided to plaster his wall with  Lil B videos throughout the afternoon and i've been watching them ALL while I should be doing something that at least resembled work done.  I don’t even really have words for how absurd that is.  Just remember folks, cocaine is a crazy drug and you more than likely do not look like Jesus.  If you’ve yet to see a Lil B video than everything I just said in the prior sentence means absolutely nothing to you.  I’m not even going to subject you to a link of a Lil B video because that’s a crime far beyond cruel and unfair punishment. To make things worse, another person who in my opinion  really really sucks Soulja Boy Tell ‘Em  just signed Lil B to his label. So get ready for some world class Fuckery for your ears if those two decide to make an album together. To those who are familiar with the Young Based fellow from the Bay Area, my condolences.

speaking of Soulja Boy check this Panda Bear Swag.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010


A few of my friends seriously act like this when there's a girl around. I know some of them would deny and try to defend themselves, maybe even call me a crazy asshole. An asshole maybe but, not crazy. Im sure that you the reader has or had some friends that try showing off when the opposite sex is around. What's sad is that I don't think they even notice it themselves. I guess we can chalk it up to human nature I suppose.   I'm out of time for now but i promise I'll come back to this post at another time, I have many things on my agenda to complete today.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Menace Beach.

I miss Japan. SD is cool. SF would be nice, but LA is where I want to be. 

I’m saying this as a point of reference for me to come back and look at myself years in the future. I would move to Venice Beach at the drop of a snapback cap and never look back. It’s a mecca of cultural confrontation and near catastrophe. Not to mention the houses that line the streets. I’m not even going to try to explain it right now, just go watch White Men Can’t Jump or Lords of Dogtown the next time you have nothing to do and you’ll follow what I’m saying completely.